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:: Number 3
(19), 2002


Number 3 (19), 2002

Table of contents

:: A.K.Katarbaev, A.A.Kurmangalieva, B.T.Sarbaev, G.T.Berdenova, Z.K.Musurova, Z.S.Ashenova The comparative characteristic of clinical course of the Grigoriev-Schiga and the Flexner schigellosis at present stage  
:: A.A.Kurmangalieva, A.K.Katarbaev, G.T.Berdenova, B.T.Sarbaev, Z.K.Musurova, M.R.Aubakirov, G.T.Kenbaeva, N.V.Rajushkina Prevalence of Schigellosis and clinical characteristic of an intestinal infections caused by Schigella dysentery, several 1 at patients
:: A.Z.Moldakaryzova Hygienic estimation and efficiency of water waste use in large cities
:: L.I.Kalamkarova, L.P.Mamonova, I.F.Hadzhibaeva, E.V.Chajka, S.M.Akimzhanova. Some modes of fortification of  various food stuffs by iodine
:: B.K.Zajadan, A.A.Zhubanova. Use of microalgae for the production of biologically active additives (BAA)
:: T.E.Husainov. Estimation of efficiency of biologically active additives (BAA) of Leovit production in comprehensive treatment of chronic prostatitis
:: S.M.Shajkhin. Study of biologically active substances determining useful effective properties of wheat embryo
:: S.M.Shajkhin, E.V.Kozhanov, B.K.Iskakov Study of some properties of enzymes from germinated wheat embryo             
:: L.V.Avdeeva, M.K.Temirgalieva, G.E.Kalibekova, G.U.Arinova Treatment of women with genital gerpes by zinc olive lotion
:: G.K.Nurgalieva, Z.Abylajuly, M.H.Samaldykova Clinico-morphological and patho-physiological aspects of heart damage in diabetes mellitus
:: O.S.Karaev Tedmil-test in diagnostic of coronary heart desease in liquidators of Chernobyl atomic nuclear plant accident seguels and residents of Semipalatinsk nuclear test region
:: O.S.Karaev, V.G.Slesarev, Z.Z.Burkitbaeva, G.A.Tatibaeva, D.S.Shishkaeva Echocardiographical evaluation of the heart status of Chernobyl accident liquidators and residents of Semipalatinsk nuclear test field
:: K.D.Sejtzhanova, Z.H.Imambaeva, Z.A.Imanbaeva, T.P.Paltusheva, N.N.Oshibaev Organization of work on physical and psycho-emotional preparation of pregnant with application of P.K.Ivanov sanitary system
:: H.M.Biktasheva, M.Z.Israilova, N.R.Alekseeva. Condition of lipid exchange during  pregnancy
:: M.O.Kuzikeev, E.A.Apsatarov. Sonographic signs of reactive hepatitis at patients with acute destructive cholecystitis and their dynamics after ozone therapy  
:: M.O.Kuzikeev Dynamics of LPO-AOS in patients with acute destructive cholecystitis after prolonged ozone therapy of the liver
:: S.M.Utesheva The epidemiology of acute exo-genetic poisoning
:: S.M.Utesheva About acute poisoning among population of Petropavlovsk
:: N.S.Kajshibaev. Influence of inter-cerebral electro-elimination of obzidan and piracetam during treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis with coming breaks in cerebra’s blood-flow on major physical function
:: D.H.Rahmanova. Morphological aspects of plastic surgery for bladder tuberculosis
:: S.A.Usembaeva Comparative estimation of in-patient and out-patient hospitalization treatment of new revealed patients with tuberculosis
:: S.E.Dikanbaeva. Meaning of copulative tissue of back-bone- motive segment during radiculopathia (review of literature)

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