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:: Number 5-6 (21-22), 2002


Number 5-6 (21-22), 2002

Table of contents

:: A.S.Rahimova, O.R.Panteleeva, N.D.Vorob'eva, S.B.Suleimenova, Z.R.Dobrieva, M.Z.Iskakova, O.J.Parfent'eva, N.B.Smakova, K.S.Dihanbaeva, Z.U.Imanbaeva. Arterial hypertension at patients with diabetes: mechanisms of development and tactics of treatment (review of literature)
:: M.M.Kalimoldin. Hygienic and physiological features of labor conditions of workiers of melting shops of Joint-Stock Company " Ferrochrom "
:: N.I.Denezhkina, Z.Z.Muhambetoza, A.J.Trusova. Experience of the complex approach to rehabilitation of children with neurologic lesions in conditions of specialized kindergarten
:: B.T.Kamel'zhanova. Double infection: a tuberculosis plus  virus hepatitis: Problem of infection with different kinds of viral hepatitis in patients with tuberculosis
:: A.M.Belinskaja, B.U.Nauryzbaeva. Tumor of knots, placentas and placental of couch morpho-functional patterns after childbirth with uterine myoma  
:: B.U.Nauryzbaeva, M.Z.Israilova. Patterns of adaptation of lipid metabolism to a status of pregnancy at uterus myoma  
:: M.S.Bytyrhanov, M.Z.Israilova. The contents of lactoferrin  in a seed plasma of men with infringement of reproductive function
:: A.B.Kudamanova, M.Z.Israilova. Value of some enzymes in diagnostics and forecasting of fetoplacental insufficiency at pregnant with chronic nonspecific pulmonary diseases (CNPD)
:: N.K.Ajdel'djaeva, D.D.Shardarbekova, E.A.Ahmetova, I.G.Kim, A.G.Orlov Morphological changes of endometrium in dysfunctional uterine bleeding during  reproductive and climacteric periods
:: G.E.Kalibekova, G.A.Irgebaeva, A.A.Bekmuhametova. Clinical experience of Ferriferrous-cluster pseudoerision of uterus neck treatment  in combination with bacterial vaginosis
:: M.K.Alchinbaev, A.I.Izbasarov, E.S.Ismoldaev Combined pharmacotherapy  for interoreceptive and endkcrine erectile dysfunctions
:: A.S.Ibraeva, S.A.Bejsembaeva, A.M.Sejtalieva. Significance of shape-factor in  differential diagnostics of prostate lesions
:: G.V.Fedotovskych, M.M.Kurmangalieva. Ultra structure of retina in eyes of patients with glaucoma
:: A.E.Egorov, T.K.Botabekova, A.B.Umbetiar, E.A.Egorov, E.V.Kasimov, V.V.Novoderezhkin, M.I.Prokof'eva. Prospective of application of photodynamic therapy in treatment of eye diseases
:: T.K.Botabekova. Laser’s possibilities in treatment of vessel’s disorders in the eye 
:: T.K.Botabekova. Central choriorenital dystrophies
:: I.A.Dolmatova. Interaction of organism and orbital tumors
:: B.S.Zhienbaeva, N.S.Kajshibaev. Influence of long-lived monotherapy by preparation “Tanakan”on a structurally functional condition of membranes of erythrocytes at infringements of cerebral blood circulation of atherosclerotic genesis
:: N.S.Kajshibaev, G.A.Kuanyshbekova. Dynamics of changes of egestion of catecholamine with urine during treatment of infringements of cerebral blood circulation of atherosclerotic genesis
:: A.B.Kudamanova. System enzymes therapy in treatment of patients with chronic nonspecific pulmonary diseases and obstetrics
:: O.A.Sekerbaev, S.M.Abuov. Application of Vazaprostane (prostaglandin Å1) in complex treatment of critical ischemia in lower extremities on the background of diabetic  angiopathy
:: B.A.Salhanov, R.A.Shakieva, G.B.Dzhubanijazova, D.S.Sulejmenova. Correction of intestinal dysbacteriosis in digestive diseases by use of probiotical remedy Floradophylus
:: S.M.Abuov Comparison of efficiency of different modes at antibiotic prophylactic in  surgery of bilious ways
:: V.V.Zeman. Experience of application of method  “dried blood spots” in diagnostics of hepatitis C in risk groups

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