Number 9(65), 2007
Table of contents
:: G.A.Adbrasilova, Z.O.Bazylbekova.Prenatal complications at diabetes: (review of literature)
:: O.V.Savenkova. A role of endothelium in development of a cardiovascular pathology: (review of literature)
:: N.A.Zhilinskaja.Molecular-genetic markers of predisposition of Graves’ disease development (review of literature)
:: .A.Bajtenizova, G.S.Ajtbaeva.
Studying of renal hemodynamics by ultrasonic Doppler method: (review of literature)
:: G.K.Kausova, T.S.Nurgozhin, D.K.Rahimbekova, E.O.Ongarbek,
A.A.Imangalieva, R.K.Kurmangalieva.Cardiovascular disease in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2000-2005)
:: B.S.Kuralbaev, G.R.Ishanova, G.Z.Tanbaeva.Methodical approaches to definition of requirement of blood in regional system of public health services
:: B.S.Kuralbaev, L.O.Kazanbaeva, G.Z.Tanbaeva, S.S.Shopshekbaeva,
G.D.Moldasheva.About efficiency of using the berth for gastroenterology patients in hospital
:: L.O.Kazanbaeva, B.S.Kuralbaev, G.Z.Tanbaeva, N.MandibaevaMethodical approaches to estimation of out-patient -polyclinic gastroenterology care for population
::S.O.Sagitova, B.S.Kuralbaev, I.A.Bapanova, N.N.Dzhakupova, R.S.Zhaksylykova.Aspects of activity of drugstore in conditions of multiple-discipline hospitals
:: S.O.Sagitova, B.S.Kuralbaev, I.A.Bapanova, N.N.Dzhakupova,
The organization of work of hospitals’ drugstores
:: S.O.Sagitova, B.S.Kuralbaev, I.A.Bapanova, N.N.Dzhakupova,
R.S.Zhaksylykova. Manufacturing of solutions for injections in conditions of multiple-discipline hospitals
:: A.N.Chen, A.Botajbekov, Z.Z.Zhapparov, G.Z.Tanbaeva, G.R.Ishinova,
L.O.Kazanbaeva, B.K.Uteulieva, K.Tleuliev, S.Al'menov, T.M.DautovAbout expansion of guaranteed volume of free-of-charge medical help for population
:: A.N.Chen, Z.Z.Zhapparov, A.Botajbekov, G.Z.Tanbaeva, G.R.Ishanova,
L.O.Kazanbaeva, B.K.Uteulieva, K.Tleuliev, S.Al'menov, T.M.Dautov Monitoring of economic efficiency of organization of primary medical care for population
:: N.K.Kazybaev Some features of telemedical consultations
:: N.K.Kazybaev, B.S.Kuralbaev, A.T.Sharman, R.M.Raisov, G.D.Spataeva. The international telemedical consultations
:: S.H.Kasmakasov, S.D.Zhektibaev, A.V.Vorob'ev, V.A.Kapaskaliev. Perfection of stations’ sanitary inspectors in field of foodstuffs safety and services to population
:: S.A.Ajupova, B.S.Kuralbaev, N.K.Sejsekova. Efficiency of realization of routine inspections among the female personnel of organization
:: M.A.Gazalieva. Endocrine balance working at influence of beryllium and its bonds
:: M.A.Gazalieva. An estimation of reproductive function of women of beryllium manufactures
:: K.S.Tebenova. Estimation of health and capacity to work of operators-telephone on the basis of questionnaire
:: A.K.Berdygaliev.Professional structure of families of schoolboys in city and countryside
:: T.Asilbekova, G.T.Il'jasova. The characteristic of daily consumption of calories and macronutrients of children of preschool age depending on their age and sex
:: R.K.Ajtzhanova, A.S.Zharylgapova. Clinical-encephalographic aspects motor alalia at children
:: G.T.Sultankulova. Changes of fibrinolitic systems of hemostasis at children with acute infringement of brain blood circulation on hemorrhagic type
:: G.T.Sultankulova. Hemostasis infringement at not traumatic subdural hematomas at children
:: G.K.Kausova, D.K.Rahimbekova, T.S.Nurgozhin, E.O.Ongarbek,
R.K.Kurmangalieva, A.A.Imangalieva. Methodological approaches to primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases
:: A.U.Dzholdasbekova. A role of 4G(-675)5 G polymorphism of PAI-1 gene in
development of hypertension at persons of Kazakh nationality
:: B.S.Sejdualieva, B.S.Kuralbaev, G.A.Naubetova, G.A.Nijazova. Diagnostic value of definition of homocysteine
::O.V.Savenkova. Change of level of nitrites at women in menopause on background of ischemic illness of heart
::D.S.Murzahmetova, G.S.Kajshibaeva. The characteristic of a bio-energeticaly picture at patients with atherosclerotic angioencephalopathy and its correction by methods of reflex therapy
:: G.S.Kajshibaeva, B.S.Kuralbaev, G.T.Isakanova, B.R.Abdil'manova, K.Z.Iskakova, S.K.Dzhanguzhina. Influence of hyperbaric oxygenation in complex therapy of atherosclerotic discircular encephalopathy on reographic parameters of cerebral hemodynamics
:: S.Kajshibaev, B.S.Kuralbaev, G.S.Kajshibaeva, B.R.Abdil'manova, Z.I.Abdykadyrova. Efficiency of hyperbaric oxygenation in complex treatment of atherosclerotic discircular encephalopathy
:: R.A.Kanaev. M.E.Kudajbergenova. Complex treatment of patients autoimmune disease of thyroid gland
:: R.A.Kanaev. Efficiency of acupuncture therapy at neuro-endocrino-immune infringements at diseases of thyroid gland
:: M.E.Kudajbergenova. Neuro-endocrino-immune infringement at disease of thyroid gland
:: A.A.Bajtenizova, G.S.Ajtbaeva. Opportunities of ultrasonic methods of research of kidney’ renal vessels in diagnostics of complicated forms of chronic pyelonephritis
:: B.K.Erkinbekova, Z.T.Ajtbaeva. Dynamic estimation of activity of hyporthalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis by the level of cortisol at patients with mental disorders
:: B.K.Erkinbekova, Z.T.Ajtbaeva. Parameters of immune-regulatory processes, mediated by Òh 1 and Òh 2 types at patients with depressive disorders
::G.K.Mukataeva. Dynamics of a parameter of leukocyte indexes of intoxication at women recently confined with infection inflammatory complications after cesarean sections
::B.T.Kumisbaeva. Clinical-radiological and bacteriological characteristic of drug resistance at desadaptive persons with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis
:: B.T.Kumisbaeva. Change of the microelements contentsdepend on liver functions at patients with infiltrative lung tuberculosis
::Z.O.Zhaksylykova, K.O.Kamytbekova, O.J.Mateeva, M.A.Burkitova. Preventive maintenance of hemotransfusion complications
::O.A.Mitkovskaja. Application of interferon inductor in immune therapy of allergic dermatitis
::G.A.Zhumanbaeva, G.U.Alshinbaeva, M.G.Portnova, K.M.Bajgabulova,
G.A.Juzik, L.B.Sejdullaeva. Efficiency of transfer-factor "Classic" in treatment of patients with ophthalmotoxoplasmosis
::A.S.Abzhekenova, B.S.Kuralbaev, V.K.Israilova, E.S.Chil'debaev,
N.K.Kazybaev, R.K.Ospanova. Estimation of efficiency of postoperative anesthesia by index of exertion
::A.T.Mamataeva. Influence of plant extract on erythrocytes resistance at mercury intoxication
::N.K.Ishuova. Herpes viral infection at children with systemic lupus erythematosus